Wednesday, April 1, 2009

International Master of arts Programmed

“Buddhist studies”

The Second Semester of First Year

Subject: Research Methodology in Buddhism

Thesis proposal on:
An Analytical Study of Mangala Sutta that effect of human

1.Assoc.Prof.Dr.Phra Sudhivorayan Chairman
2. Assoc.Prof.Dr.Phra Suthithammanuwat Member
3.Prof. Dr. Chamnong Adivadhanasit Member

Submitted by:
Ven.Kyaw min Candasiri
Registration No. 5101405020

Graduate School
Bangkok, Thailand

2552 2009


* Background and Significance of study
* Objective of the Study
* The Scope of study
* Expected benefits of the study
* Operational Definition
* Research Methodology
* Review of literature
* Conceptual Framework
* Bibliography

Background and Significance of study
In ancient days in India, the people used to assemble in councils and hold meetings in the town hall to discuss and elucidate such lectures so as to impart wisdom and know-ledge that would be of benefit to them. For their fees, those learned men who propounded such wisdom, were given gifts of various kinds. Sometimes the length of their lectures took as long as four months to complete. One day, a discussion was held on the subject of “Blessings.” What is Blessing; and what constitutes Blessing? Is Seeing a Blessing? Is Hearing a Blessing? Is Feeling a Blessing? One, Dittha-Mangalika formed the impression that as omens of significance, if one were to rise early in the morning, and see such auspicious things, such as parrots, pregnant woman, well-dressed boy, water-pot, horse, horse-cart, bull, cow, etc., - such things were indeed blessings. This led to an argument which some accepted as correct, whilst others disagreed. Then Suta-Mangalika said, “0! man, as you have said seeing is blessing in this respect because it is pleasant to the sense of sight, may I ask what about those unpleasant and impure things that are also seen with the eyes. This cannot be so, for as far as seeing is concerned, one is apt to see pleasant and unpleasant objects as well. For verily, I cannot accept your views as correct.” Some people agreed with him while others doubted. Again another one Suta-Mangalika questioned the assembly if such pleasant wishes such as “Good Day,” “May you be prosperous,” be heard by a person, constitute blessings. Again another one Muta-Mangalika expressed in his view point, that, if hearing is really blessing, then hearing of good and bad things are also blessings. Again such a question arose, that on getting up in the morning if they happen to smell some fragrant odour and eat tasty food, and also touch pleasant and soft things, whether these constitute blessings too. Controversial points were raised and expounded and yet still no decision could be reached. From the neighbourhood where it was first discussed, news of this controversy spread far and wide and yet no satisfactory answer could be obtained. This debate was carried even to the spiritual realm of Brahma. After debating for about twelve years, the deities at the Tavatimsa Heaven assembled one day and proposed to lay the matter before their King, Sakka Deva Raja, to get his views. In order to obtain the correct answer to this controversy, they were advised by him to seek Lord Buddha. “For,” as he said, “if you wish to have a light, you must approach a fire to get it, you cannot get light from a firefly.” So a certain Deity was requested to approach the Exalted One, who was at that time at Jetavana Temple, which was built by a rich pious devotee named Anatha Pindika at Savatthi, now known as Sahet Mahet in Northern India. So far into the dead of night this deva of wondrous beauty with the glare of rays emanating from his body illuminating the whole of the temple premises approached the Exalted One. Having paid due respects and homage stood on one side and so standing, laid before Him the following question:- “Many gods and men pondering on the question of blessings could not come to a decision. Therefore O, Lord, may You please tell me what is the greatest Blessing?” In His reply, the Lord Buddha expounded the “Mangala Sutta, and thus explained to them that the causes resulting in bliss are as follows:-

Objective of the Study

-To analyze the characteristic and function of the people
-To learn the development of the human association
-To research Buddhism teaching for the people mental and spiritual growth
- To friendship each other and responsible individual perform
- To be calm And quiet In everything

The Scope of study

* Introduction and historical data will be from the canonical texts
And it commentaries.
* This research to memorize for people to growth according from
Buddhism course

* This research to promote for community to civilize that
Tharava Buddhism system

Expected benefits of the study

1 Knowing clearly the meaning of Mangala sutta.

2 To perform all human association to practice peace way.

3 To get mental and physical development.

Operational Definition
mangala] (very) fortunate, lucky, anspicious
sutta a woollen thread
1. Asevanaca balanam: Not to associate with the foolish is the highest blessing. Here, a foolish person is - one who thinks, speaks and commits evil deeds in order to destroy the benefits of others.
2. Panditananca sevana : To associate only with the wise is the highest blessing. Here a wise person is one who thinks, speaks and performs good deeds in order to gain the benefits and prosperity for oneself and others.
3. Panditananca sevana: To honour those who are worthy of honour is the highest blessing. Here those persons are the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha, parents, teachers, elders and those who are higher in prestige. Honouring is of two kinds:- honouring by giving material gifts (Amisapuja) and honouring by dhamma gift (dhamma puja).
4. Patirupadesavaso ca : To dwell in a suitable locality is the highest blessing. Here a suitable locality is a place where the Buddha's teachings exist and flourish well and which enables one to gain merit, wisdom and property.
5. Pubbe ca Katapunnata: To have done meritorious deeds in the past is the highest blessing.
6. Attasamma panidhi ca : To set oneself in the right course is the highest blessing. Here setting oneself in the right course means making oneself en-dowed with morality, conviction, generosity and so on.
7. Bahusaccanca: To have a wide general knowledge in mundane and supramundane levels is the highest blessing.
8. Sippanca: Being skillful in the technology and handicrafts is the highest blessing.
9. Vinayo ca susikkhito: Learning and abiding by the tides of conduct and disciplines laid down by the Buddha for lay devotees and monks is the highest blessing.
10. Subhasita ca ya va ca: Speaking what is true, pleasant and beneficial to others is the highest blessing.
11. Mitapitu upatthanam: To attend closely to ones parents is the highest blessing. Here attending closely on one's parents means ministering to all the needs of one's parents performing their duties towards them, making them happy and healthy.
12. Puttadarassa sangaho : To take care of one's wife and children is a noble blessing.
13. Anakula ca Kammanta: To perform a faultless work at a proper time and under proper circumstances is a noble blessing. A faultless work means an action which does not harm one's benefits as well as others' benefits.
14. Danafica :Performing acts of charity is the highest blessing.
15. Dhammacariya ca: To live righteously performing the ten kinds of meritorious deeds is a noble blessing.
16. Natakanan ca sangaho: To support one's paternal and maternal relatives with food, clothings, money, etc, or with encouraging words and good advice is a noble blessing.
17. Anavajjani Kammani : To perform a blameless action associated with the welfare of oneself and others such as keeping the sabbath precepts, planting trees and gardens, performing social work, etc. is a noble blessing.
18. Arati (papa): To resolve mentally to refrain from committing all evils, knowing well the evil consequences of evil conduct is a noble blessing.
19. Virati (papa): To refrain from committing three bodily evil deeds and four verbal evil deeds is a noble blessing.
20. Majjapanaca samyamo : To abstain from any intoxicating drink or drug such as alcohol, opium, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, etc, is a noble blessing.
21. Appamado ca dhammesu : Not to be negligent in doing good deeds, namely to give away in charity (Dana), to keep the moral precepts (Sila) and to practise meditation (bhavana)is a noble blessing.
22. Garavo ca: To pay respect to those who are worthy of respect is a noble blessing. The persons who are worthy of respect are the Buddha, the disciples of the Buddha (monks), and parents, teachers, uncles, aunts, elder brothers and sisters and those persons who are older or higher in status than oneself. One shows them respect by making way for them, by bending slightly forward on passing in front of them, by offering them one's seat when travelling in a bus or train, by sitting in a lower place than theirs, and by holding things respectfully in offering them to the elders.
23. Nivatoca: To be humble and modest with out pride and conceit is a noble blessing. To be humble means not only showing a respectful behaviour but also being bumble in one's physical, verbal and mental actions.
24. Santutthi ca: To be contented with what ever one possesses presently, although one must strive and work hard honestly and steadily, is a no ble blessing.
25. Katannuta: To acknowledge other's gratitude and repay one's debt of gratitude is a blessing
26. Kalena dhamma savanam: To listen to the dhamma which can lead one to prosperity in the present life as well as in future lives is a noble blessing.
27. Khantica: To forgive the insult caused by others and be patient without bearing a grudge is a noble blessing.
28. Sovacassata: To obey readily the advice given by elders and learned persons without any complaint or arguement is a noble blessing.
29. Samananaca dassanam: To see noble persons who have purified or are trying to purify their minds from all defilements produces tranquillity and wholesome attitude in one's mind. So it is a noble blessing.
30. Kalena dhammasakaccha: Discussion of the Dhamma with learned persons at the proper time can lead one to prosperity in the present as well as in the future and it will enrich ones knowledge, straighten ones view and clarify ones mind. So it is a noble blessing.
31. Tapo ca: To practise ausleriry by controlling ones sense faculties in order to scorch all defilements is a noble blessing.
32. Brahmacariyanca . To undertake the noble practice such as observing the eight precepts and developing concentration and insight knowledge in order to realize the Four Noble Truths is a noble blessing.
33. Ariyasaccana dassanam: To realize the Four Noble Truths with four Path consciousnesses stage by stage is a noble blessing.
34. Nibbana sacchikiriya ca: To realize Nibbana and enjoy the highest bliss with their respective Fruition-consciousness by the four types of Noble persons (Ariyas) is a noble blessing.
35. Phuthassa lokadhammehi cittam yassa na kampati : To stand steadfastly with an unshaken mind when one is confronted with the ups and downs of life associated with the eight worldly conditions is a noble blessing. The eight worldly conditions are (labha) gain. (alabha) loss, (yassa) fame, (ayassa) dishonour, (pasanna) praise. (ninda) blame, (sukha) well being and (dukkha)misery.
36. Asokam: To be free from all worries is a noble blessing.
37. Virajam: To have a mind freee from the dust of all defilements such as greed (lobha), hatred (dosa) and ignorance (moha) is a noble blessing.
38. Khemam: To possess a peaceful mind free from all dangers of defilements is a noble blessing.

Research Methodology

۞ This reach is a documentary work.

۞This reach will be written based on my own experiences
۞ Find out the Buddhist belief and precise.

۞ This reach find out Pali text society

Review of literature

۝ Sayadaw show not only recitative Mangala Suta but also practice according to Buddhist attitude.
۝Mangala Suta paritta means protection got by practicing of monk.
۝Mangala Suta is most power paritta because of to get the Nibana way.
۝The Magala Suta story is difficult to find out to got the peace full life and bliss way.
۝The Lord Buddha expounded the “Mangala Sutta, and thus explained to them that the causes resulting in bliss.
It is necessary for all to fell gladness in heart when everybody follow this way of Mangala Suta.

Conceptual Framework

Manga Suta
Good Associatiated
Nobel Person
Righteously Performing


۩ Mangala Sutta vanana
۩ Tipitaka –(Translation from chatta samghayana CD room 2006)
۩ Pali text society dictionary
۩ Ledi Dipani by Ledi sayadaw.
۩ Practice way by U Pandita sayadaw.


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